Remote Jobs and the Future of Telecommuting

A man working on his laptop at a desk, with notebooks and a mug of coffee to either side.

No matter how you look at it, remote work is the way of the future. For one thing, technology is constantly making remote work easier. In addition, 71% of remote workers report that they’re happy in their job. On top of it all, world events in Spring 2020 seem to have forced a shift to a remote workforce, a trend that may impact how workers and employers alike view telecommuting.

With so many factors at work, it’s important to slow down and consider the pros and cons of remote work, what it takes to succeed in a remote work situation — things like maintaining backups and protecting data — and what different kinds of labor can be properly executed while working off-site.

Benefits of Remote Work

There are numerous benefits that come with remote work, including:

Many of these items benefit employees and employers alike, leading to a more effective and efficient work environment.

Disadvantages of Remote Work

While there are many benefits, it’s important to consider the negative aspects of remote work for both an employer and their staff:

While most of these can be addressed in various ways, they are common concerns that must be considered when establishing a remote work environment.

How Remote Work Has Evolved

While remote work has been around for a while now, it’s interesting to see how it has evolved over time.

Early on, the idea of a remote worker conjured images of telemarketers or customer service reps working part-time for low wages. However, as the Internet has improved, and technology along with it, full-time, lucrative positions have begun to appear within the remote work world.

Some of these are partly remote while others are fully remote. Looking at the history in the U.S., in particular, by 2015, 24% of those employed worked at least partly at home. By 2019, that number had jumped up to 54%. In addition, by that time, 70% of the global workforce was working from home at least one day a week.

Industries That Offer Remote Work

At this point, remote work has become a way of life, as professionals from all industries and walks of life have shifted their work onto the cloud. Below are just some of the most common positions that can be worked remotely in 2020.

IT Jobs

Considering the fact that it supports the entire remote work world, it’s only natural for the information technology (IT) sector to provide a variety of remote-work-friendly jobs, including:

Online Marketing

Digital ad spending has officially surpassed traditional print and television marketing. The shift of money to the online market has created a slew of new remote-marketing positions in its wake, including:


The academic realm has already been acclimating to the online world for years now, making it a ripe industry for remote work, including:

Accounting and Finance

With so much of the financial world operating online, it’s only natural that the industry would be able to support a wide variety of remote work, including:


Translation is a written and verbal art form. Both of these activities can be executed in a variety of different ways from remote locations including creating transcripts, joining video chats, and hopping onto a conference call.


The medical world has also seen a revolution in digital information, creating many remote jobs in the process, including:


Fielding phone calls, overseeing processes, and other general administrative tasks have always been remote-friendly, including:

From IT to marketing, administration to education, finance to medical, there are countless remote jobs in numerous industries. With technology always evolving and improving, the number and kinds of jobs only promise to continue increasing as the future unfolds.